County Surveyors - Marin


Most of the information below comes from the Historical Records Survey, WPA, 1937 and may not be accurate. Additional information has been added by Lawrence A. Stevens, PLS, as discovered. Last revised 7-5-2014. 
1849 – 1851: A.D. Easkoot 
1851 – 1852: Jno. Clear 
1852 – 1854: B.B. Carter 
1854 – 1863: A.D. Easkoot 
1863 – 1865: Hiram Austin 
1865 – 1867: A.D. Easkoot 
1867 – 1869: J.H. Andrews/Hiram Austin 
1869 – 1871: A.D. Easkoot 
1871 – 1873: Hiram Austin 
1873 – 1875: R.E. Finley 
1875 – 1879: Hiram Austin 
1879 – 1881: Geo. M. Dodge 
1881 – 1885: Hiram Austin 
1885 – 1893: Geo. M. Dodge 
1893 – 1895: C.H. Ellison, RCE 679 
1895 – 1916: G.L. Richardson, Appointed April 1895 
1916 – 1919: Chas. Richardson – A Chester A. Richardson, RCE 593 is listed in RCE alpha list. 
1919 – 1927: John C. Ogelsby, RCE 3230 & LS 1135 
1927 – 1941: Rodney E. Messner, RCE 1756 
1942 – 1954: John C. Ogelsby, RCE 3230 & LS 1135 
1955 - 1961: Marvin W. Brigham
1962 - 1790: Donald Frost
1971 -        : Lawrence Loder, Deputy was signing, RCE 14725
1972 -1980 : Ray Foreaker, RCE 13,199
1981 -        : John M. Baker, RCE 21,281
Starting in early 1970s the County directories list head of Public Works but don’t separate out the Surveyor. 